Looking for a job or you want to work? The difference is significant.
We believe in persistence, determination, not giving up and continual improvement. Considering that at least third of day we spent at work, we want to make a difference with our efforts and attitude to work, we want to achieve top results in every field of our activity, and to be proud of achieved goals. This way is at the same time the path of our personal and professional improvement.
Available positions
Priključite se timu iskusnih i inovativnih inženjera u razvoju i proizvodnji savremenih mašinskih rešenja za medicinsku tehnologiju. Unapredite svoje veštine i znanja kroz rad na izazovnim projektima. Budite deo tima koji već više od 20 godina uspešno razvija i unapređuje medicinsku tehnologiju.
Prijavite se putem maila: posao@proxima-medical.rs
Mesto: Niš – Čokot
Opis posla:
- Projektovanje u SolidWorks programu
- Rad na CNC glodalici – obrada obojenih metala i plastike
- IV/V/VI stepen stručne spreme, mašinski profil
- Računarske veštine (office i internet)
- Poželjno znanje engleskog jezika
- Prethodno iskustvo je plus
- Pozitivnu radnu atmosferu
- Rad u timu iskusnih inženjera
- Mogućnost napredovanja i usavršavanja
Join the team of experienced and innovative engineers in development and production of the state-of-the-art medical technology and ensure that everything we do is in accordance with the highest quality standards in the industry. Expand your knowledge and skills through hands-on international projects. Be part of the team with more than 20 years of experience.
Apply by sending us an e-mail at: posao@proxima-medical.rs
Place: Niš – Čokot
Job description:
- QMSystem management
- Technical files preparation
- Certification and regulatory affairs
- BSc or MSc in technical area, preferably electronics
- Great computer skills (office & internet)
- English language, spoken and written (obviously 🙂
- Experience in the field is a plus
We offer:
- Positive working environment
- Being around skilled and experienced engineers
- Advancement and skill improvement
Otvorene pozicije

No available positions for you?
Send us your CV to posao@proxima-medical.rs